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Optimize Social Security 811

Not sure when to start taking your social security benefits? Concerned you might leave money on the table?

"What this tool does for clients is show them, rather than tell them, when and how they should really be claiming social security."

Request an Incredibly Valuable Planning Piece for Your Social Security Benefit Start Your Social Security Plan Today: Create Your Profile and Start Solving!

Watch How Peter Shows Clients How and When to Take Social Security

Discuss Your Situation and Numbers with Peter

Social Security Planning provided under


2 out of 5, too early?

About 2 out of 5 claims begin at "Early Retirement." Yet, the reward of waiting can be significant.

17% more. $2,724 per year

Retirees working with a financial professional report receiving 17% more in monthly benefits than those who do not ($1,551 vs. $1,324)*.

*According to Nationwide Retirement Institute’s “2019 Annual Consumer Survey on Social Security,”

Peter's book includes a section on social security – and a lot on retirement

False Financial Finish Lines was published for folks like you to read, and become informed.

Advanced Financial Planning Services


  • How much does financial planning work cost with Mullin Wealth Management?

    For something like Social Security Modeling:

    As strictly an example: A couple could get social security optimization planning with Peter Mullin for $250, plus $37.50 for 12 months, for a total of $700.

    During this time a client could have access to our online planning tool. The engagement would be limited to the online planning tool access and customized social security modeling. Essential info including your income and investment portfolio would be gathered for this engagement.

    My primary is focus is helping clients as their life changes. They have assets under management with us and get ongoing advice. From time to time, an individual or family just wants some personal attention and advice. 

    In the case of planning-only clients there is an onboarding fee that helps cover the time and consultation required to get to know you.

    Then clients can pay monthly for up to 12-months of guidance. 

  • Do you provide retirement income planning?

    We offer retirement income planning, tax planning, and then some. 

    Some Services for  Financial Planning Clients:

    Annual Complimentary "Basic 401(k) or Plan Review"

    Annual review via phone or at our office sites

    General investment guidance

    Annual Wealth Savvy Review

    Tax savvy planning and collaboration with your tax professional.

    Social Security Modeling

    Gifting and Estate Modeling

  • Are you accepting new clients?

    Please e-mail or call to inquire. From time to time we do limit the number of clients we work with. Our primary focus is  our current clients. 

    Peter Mullin focuses his work on business owners, 1099 employees, solo practitioners in health care, and retirees with a minimum net worth of $1 million. Many of these inidivduals are in the fourth tier and higher federal tax bracket (   i.e. gross income over 4th federal tier (24% in 2021; $86,376 single or $172,751 )

    You can always request educational material, or begin a conversation today and stay in touch as things change.

When is your optimal time to claim social security?

The answer is NOT always ‘WAIT until you are 70 years old.'

Start Your Social Security Plan Today: Create Your Profile and Start Solving!

Review how you could optimize your benefit

There are many factors to consider for your plan. Here are just some considerations we will take into account prior to claiming:

  • Age
  • Health status
  • Marital status
  • Tax status
  • Other income and your investment portfolio

Prefer to chat about your situation? Call now.

Book your free initial phone consult.

You are one step closer to gaining  financial guidance for your social security benefits!

PETER MULLIN, Accredited Asset Management Specialist®

Let's start with a phone appointment option below:

All inital discovery calls are FREE. Scroll down to see how clients can pay for just planning advice. No assets under management required. We can have several conversations prior to you choosing to move forward. On our first call, we can schedule time to visit IN-PERSON depending on the work at hand.

Services and planning engagements can be customized for each client to best suit their needs. Therefore, services may be determined at time of engagement. Advisory and planning services offered through LPL Financial, A Registered Investment Advisor, Member FINRA/SIPC.

Currently, Mullin Wealth Management offers the financial planning app powered by Right Capital. Pricing example is as of 06/01/2021. Pricing may update without notice. LPL Financial and Mullin Wealth Management are not affiliated with Right Capital.

This site is not affiliated with Social Security Administration. Visit for free resources.

Many variables are considered when claiming social security. This material is for general and educational purposes only.

Download "Share Power" Article

Share Power: One big reason investors should embrace bear markets and pullbacks

Investors can become fixated with the value of their portfolio. You may be like many other investors and pay attention to one highlighted fact on your IRA and 401k statements: Your total dollar value. Am I right?

• If your value is down: It feels like you are losing.

• If your value is up: It feels like you are winning.

In this article, I ask you this question, “What does your retirement portfolio’s value matter? And why should you embrace bear markets and pullbacks?”

Get White Paper: Aging Gracefully

Aging Gracefully: Loving Our Family and Ourselves Through Life

In this white paper I share my family's personal challenges with aging.

I also recommend 5 Steps that you as a current caregiver or family member may want to follow. 

Peter Mullin writes about “Aging Gracefully,” in a chapter of his latest book, False Financial Finish Lines.   He brings his expertise as a professional together with his personal experiences to this idea of aging through retirement. The heart of “Aging Gracefully” is about accepting one another - including ourselves - as we are. 

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